Test de nivell B2-C2

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En el test que trobareu a continuació fem servir part dels exàmens oficials de Cambridge per poder-vos donar una idea del vostre nivell aproximat. Si en algun punt trobeu que ja no sabeu la resposta, podeu deixar-ho en blanc i enviar-lo en el punt que estigueu. També ens aniria bé saber quin és l’últim nivell que heu estudiat:
A) For questions 1 – 8, read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap. This is an example for gap (0):
THE OLDEST LEATHER SHOE INTHE WORLD Archaeologists (0) …….. that a perfectly preserved 5,500-year-old shoe has been discovered in a cave in Armenia in south-west Asia. It is (1) …….. to be the oldest leather shoe ever found. The shoe was made of a single piece of leather, stitched at the front and back, and was shaped to fit the wearer’s foot. It had been (2) …….. with grasses, either for warmth or to make sure it kept its shape. ‘The shoe is relatively small but we can’t say for (3) …….. whether it was worn by a man or a woman,’ says Dr Ron Pinhasi, an archaeologist on the research (4) ……… ‘We thought at first that it was about 600-700 years old because it was in such good shape.’ Shoes of this type from later periods have turned (5) …….. in archaeological excavations in various places in Europe, and shoes of a very similar design were still being used on the Aran Islands off the west coast of Ireland as (6) …….. as the 1950s. It’s (7) …….. a style which (8) …….. popular for thousands of years
(1) It is (1) …….. to be the oldest leather shoe ever found.
(2) The shoe was made of a single piece of leather, stitched at the front and back, and was shaped to fit the wearer’s foot. It had been (2) …….. with grasses, either for warmth or to make sure it kept its shape.
(3) ‘The shoe is relatively small but we can’t say for (3) …….. whether it was worn by a man or a woman,’
(4) says Dr Ron Pinhasi, an archaeologist on the research (4) ……… ‘We thought at first that it was about 600-700 years old because it was in such good shape.’
(5) Shoes of this type from later periods have turned (5) …….. in archaeological excavations in various places in Europe,
(6) and shoes of a very similar design were still being used on the Aran Islands off the west coast of Ireland as (6) …….. as the 1950s.
(7) It’s (7) …….. a style which (8) …….. popular for thousands of years
(8) It’s (7) …….. a style which (8) …….. popular for thousands of years
B) For questions 1 – 8, read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap. This is an example for gap (0):
NEW USES FOR SALT MINES Geological (0) …….. of salt were formed millions of years ago, when what is now land, lay under the sea. It is hard to believe that salt is now such a cheap (1) …….. , because centuries ago it was the commercial (2) …….. of today’s oil. The men who mined salt became wealthy and, although the work was (3) …….. and frequently dangerous, a job in a salt mine was highly (4) …….. . Nowadays, the specific microclimates in disused mines have been (5) …….. for the treatment of respiratory illnesses such as asthma, and the silent, dark surroundings in a mine are considered (6)…….. in encouraging patients to relax. In addition, some disused mines have been (7) …….. to different commercial enterprises, although keeping up-to-date with the technology of mining is essential to (8) …….. visitors’ safety. Some of the largest underground chambers even host concerts, conferences and business meetings.
(1) It is hard to believe that salt is now such a cheap (1) …….. ,
(2) because centuries ago it was the commercial (2) …….. of today’s oil.
(3) The men who mined salt became wealthy and, although the work was (3) …….. and frequently dangerous,
(4) a job in a salt mine was highly (4) …….. .
(5) Nowadays, the specific microclimates in disused mines have been (5) …….. for the treatment of respiratory illnesses such as asthma,
(6) and the silent, dark surroundings in a mine are considered (6)…….. in encouraging patients to relax.
(7)In addition, some disused mines have been (7) …….. to different commercial enterprises,
(8) although keeping up-to-date with the technology of mining is essential to (8) …….. visitors’ safety. Some of the largest underground chambers even host concerts, conferences and business meetings.
C) For questions 1 – 8, read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap. This is an example for gap (0): (copia)
SOAP OPERAS It is surely beyond (0)……… that soap opera is the most consistently popular type of television programme in the world. It has succeeded in (1)…….. the imagination of millions since it first (2)……… as a genre back in the 1930s. The word ‛soap’ alludes to the role originally played by detergent manufacturers, who promoted their products during commercial breaks. Soap operas have been (3)……. as mindless entertainment, with viewers only (4)……. to these programmes in order to escape from reality. Soaps are often set in friendly, tightly-knit neighbourhoods, evoking nostalgic feelings in some viewers, since such communities may no longer exist in many areas. The subject matter of soaps also (5)…….. great appeal for viewers since the stories (6)…….. focus on domestic problems they may have experienced themselves. There has been a significant shift in attitudes with many soaps now (7)…….. moral and social issues. The characters and situations (8)…….. are complex and ambiguous, providing much food for thought and no easy answers.
(1) It has succeeded in (1)…….. the imagination of millions since it first (2)……… as a genre back in the 1930s.
(2) It has succeeded in (1)…….. the imagination of millions since it first (2)……… as a genre back in the 1930s.
(3) The word ‛soap’ alludes to the role originally played by detergent manufacturers, who promoted their products during commercial breaks. Soap operas have been (3)……. as mindless entertainment,
(4) with viewers only (4)……. to these programmes in order to escape from reality.
(5) Soaps are often set in friendly, tightly-knit neighbourhoods, evoking nostalgic feelings in some viewers, since such communities may no longer exist in many areas. The subject matter of soaps also (5)…….. great appeal for viewers since the stories (6)…….. focus on domestic problems they may have experienced themselves.
(6) The subject matter of soaps also (5)…….. great appeal for viewers since the stories (6)…….. focus on domestic problems they may have experienced themselves.
(7) There has been a significant shift in attitudes with many soaps now (7)…….. moral and social issues.
(8) The characters and situations (8)…….. are complex and ambiguous, providing much food for thought and no easy answers.