Test de nivell A2-B1

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En el test que trobareu a continuació fem servir part dels exàmens oficials de Cambridge per poder-vos donar una idea del vostre nivell aproximat. Si en algun punt trobeu que ja no sabeu la resposta, podeu deixar-ho en blanc i enviar-lo en el punt que estigueu. També ens aniria bé saber quin és l’últim nivell que heu estudiat:
A) For questions 1 – 6, read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap. This is an example for gap (0):
William Perkin – William Perkin was born in London in 1838. As a child he had many hobbies, including model making and photography. But it was the (1)…………… of chemistry that really interested him. At the age of 15, he went to college to study it. While he was there, he was (2) …………….to make a medicine from coal. This didn’t go well, but when he was working on the problem, he found a cheap (3) ……………. to make the colour purple. At that (4)…………….it was very expensive to make clothes in different colours. William knew he could make a business out of his new colour. Helped by his father and brother, William (5) …………….his own factory to make the colour. It sold well, and soon purple clothes (6) …………….very popular in England and the rest of the world.
(1) William Perkin was born in London in 1838. As a child he had many hobbies, including model making and photography. But it was the (1)…………… of chemistry that really interested him.
(2) At the age of 15, he went to college to study it. While he was there, he was (2) …………….to make a medicine from coal.
(3) This didn’t go well, but when he was working on the problem, he found a cheap (3) ……………. to make the colour purple.
(4) At that (4)…………….it was very expensive to make clothes in different colours. William knew he could make a business out of his new colour.
(5) Helped by his father and brother, William (5) …………….his own factory to make the colour.
(6) It sold well, and soon purple clothes (6) …………….very popular in England and the rest of the world.
B) For questions 1 – 6, read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap. This is an example for gap (0):
The Coconut Tree – The coconut tree is thought to be one of the most valuable trees in the world. It is mostly found by the sea where there is a hot and wet (1) ………… . The coconuts often fall into the sea and float on the water until they (2) ………… another beach, where more trees then begin to grow. Holiday makers often see the coconut tree as no more than an attractive sun umbrella that provides (3) ………… . However, this amazing tree has hundreds of (4) ………… and more are still being discovered. People have made houses, boats and baskets from the coconut tree’s wood and leaves for centuries. Even today, if you take a (5) ………… in your cupboards, you will find coconut oil in products as (6) ………… as medicine and desserts.
(1) The coconut tree is thought to be one of the most valuable trees in the world. It is mostly found by the sea where there is a hot and wet (1) ………… .
(2) The coconuts often fall into the sea and float on the water until they (2) ………… another beach, where more trees then begin to grow.
(3) Holiday makers often see the coconut tree as no more than an attractive sun umbrella that provides (3) ………… .
(4)However, this amazing tree has hundreds of (4) ………… and more are still being discovered. People have made houses, boats and baskets from the coconut tree’s wood and leaves for centuries.
(5) Even today, if you take a (5) ………… in your cupboards,
(6) you will find coconut oil in products as (6) ………… as medicine and desserts.